Rose Valley lavender essential oil


100% essential oil Lavender from the Rose Valley is characterized by a typical strong floral-herbal aroma that improves mood, dissolves nervousness and irritability. Induces peaceful sleep. Excellent for stress, fatigue and depression. It relaxes and tones the body and soul. It supports creative potential, gives courage for self-expression.

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Rose Valley lavender essential oil

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100% Lavender essential oil from the Rose Valley

Composition (INCI): 100% Lavandula Angustifolia Oil

CAS: 8000-28-0

EINECS: 289-995-2

Complete composition: 100% Lavandula Angustifolia Oil, Linalool *, Limonene * (* naturally occurring components of essential oil)

Method of production: steam distillation of flowers and stalks

Lavender is collected – during the months of July and August

Country of origin: Bulgaria

100% essential oil Lavender from the Rose Valley is characterized by a typical strong floral-herbal aroma that improves mood, dissolves nervousness and irritability. Induces peaceful sleep. Excellent for stress, fatigue and depression. It relaxes and tones the body and soul. It supports creative potential, gives courage for self-expression.

Lavender is antiseptic and antibacterial, soothes after insect bites and stings , relieves headaches, especially those caused by blocked sinuses.

In cosmetics, the powerful regenerative and healing abilities of lavender oil are used. Not only for problematic skin, but also for eczema and irritation.

It is suitable for pregnancy and small children. Lavender essential oil is a versatile helper and the most popular of all essential oils in the world. Already 2,500 years ago, it was used in ancient Egypt as a perfume and also in the mummification process. In the times of ancient Rome, they flavored the water in spas with it. This is where the Latin name lavare comes from, i.e. to bathe.

Aroma : a distinct floral-herbal aroma

Combination : orange, clary sage , rosemary , Roman chamomile , sage, tangerine , lemon , geranium , White Rose

You can read more about Lavender essential oil on our blog . Read about what makes up the scent of lavender and the nuances between them in this blog article . And about the use of lavender in the home, click on this article.

100% pure natural product , coming from the beautiful landscape around the Bulgarian Karlovo. This product is part of the series “Small farmers” – one grower – one field – one production. We support small family business, hard work of honest people.

We have chosen for you a black opaque glass with an internal dropper. Put in a box of recycled paper. Double protection to preserve the quality of our oils to the “last drop”.

Do not use internally. Protect your eyes. Do not use undiluted on the skin. Keep out of reach of children.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Variant: No selection

10ml, 100g, 12g

5 reviews for Rose Valley lavender essential oil

  1. CZ / Kč

    eva-4581 (verified owner)

    Verified review

    Opravdu velmi příjemná levandule, kapku na polštář pro lepší spaní. Výhodou je, že je vhodná i pro děti.

  2. CZ / Kč

    Veronika (verified owner)

    Verified review

    Tak jak se zpívá v té písničce: “Ty jsi má levandulová…” Ano, takový je tento éterický olej, který lze jakkoliv kombinovat a rovněž je možné ho používat i k jiným účelům.

  3. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Už jsme vyzkoušela mnoho levanduli ale tohle je tak jemná vůně ze bych se do ni celá zabalila.

  4. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Nádherná vůně a pro všechny milovníky levandule naprosto bezkonkurenční!
    Vůbec nelze srovnávat s tím běžné dostupným regálovým olejem.

  5. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Krásná vůně, vyzkoušela jsem již mnoho olejů, tenhle je top!

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