Flower Water Cornflower blue in a mist sprayer


100% Cornflower water is a pure natural product. It relieves the tired eye area and nourishes delicate and mature skin. It cools the skin. Reduces fine lines and dark circles under the eyes. It relaxes and revitalizes strained eyes after working on the computer all day. Adds shine to hair. Delicate floral aroma. Luxurious black refillable glass case with a perfect aluminum spray. For your perfect mist at any time of the day.

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Flower Water Cornflower blue in a mist sprayer

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100% Flower water Cornflower blue or cornflower water

Composition (INCI): 100% Centaurea Cyanus Flower water

CAS: 84012-18-0

EINECS: 281-664-0

100% Flower Water Cornflower blue is a pure natural product. It relieves the tired eye area and nourishes all skin types . It is especially suitable for delicate and mature skin . It is valued for its anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. It cools the skin . Reduces fine lines and dark circles under the eyes. It relaxes and revitalizes strained eyes after working on the computer all day. Adds shine to hair.

For which skin – for delicate and tired skin

How it helps – relieves tired eye area. With regular use, it helps reduce fine lines and dark circles around the eyes. Cornflower water compresses soothe and revitalize strained and swollen eyes after a day’s work at the PC, as well as eyes irritated by a polluted environment. Its cooling effect can be appreciated in homemade face masks or homemade cosmetics. And also during hot flashes in menopause Softens the skin in the décolleté. It is valued for its anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

Hair – adds shine to the hair and is also suitable for scalp massages

Smell – the aroma of cornflower water is very subtle. In its chilled form, the aroma is almost imperceptible, at room temperature subtly floral.

Pets – also use to treat the eye area of ​​your pets

Interesting facts

Blue cornflower is an important honey-bearing and pollinating plant. Nevertheless, it is classified as a weed. By the first half of the 20 century it was one of the most common cereal weeds. From the 70s. years 20 century, thanks to massive herbicide protection, its occurrence on arable land decreased and it almost disappeared from Czech fields. Today, its occurrence is increasing and it increases biodiversity in the stands of agricultural crops. Its rich flowers are traditionally used as a natural dye for teas. Susanne Catty warns us: “that at the time of the plagues it was used in the form of tea as a remedy against this contagion.” (S. Catty – Hydrosols The Next Aromatherapy) Why is not exactly known. Most likely, the desperate infected were willing to try almost anything.

Read more about blue cornflower on our blog .

Country of origin: Bulgaria

Method of production: steam distillation of the flowers of the plant

100% pure natural product without preservatives, coming from wildly growing blue cornflower flowers and carefully collected from the beautiful countryside around Karlov, Bulgaria. This product is part of the series “Small farmers” – one grower – one field – one production. We support small family business, hard work of honest people.

Black opaque glass and the highest quality sprayer. Put in a box of recycled paper. This packaging is refillable. You can buy our flower water in a larger, economical package and use the sprayer repeatedly.


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Variant: No selection

100 ml

7 reviews for Flower Water Cornflower blue in a mist sprayer

  1. CZ / Kč

    Jana (verified owner)

    Verified review

    S produktem jsem moc spokojena, má příjemnou vůni a na pleť krásně osvěží. Používám ale hlavně z ledničky na obklady na unavené oči, večer na tampnek a přiložím na oči, ráno přeszříknu. Objednávala jsem poprvé a určitě objednám znovu. Bonusem je krásné balenní.

  2. CZ / Kč

    Mirka (verified owner)

    Verified review

    Jsem s tímto produktem dlouhodobě spokojená, proto jsem si objednala výhodnější balení bag-in-box a do původní lahvičky si dočepovávám. Chrpa má velmi jemnou, nevtíravou vůni. Ráno si ji nastříkám pumpičkou přímo na oči a okamžitě mě probudí, během dne osvěží a nastříkaná na vatové tamponky jako obklad uleví unaveným očím. Někdy přestříkám celý obličej pro osvěžení a hydrataci. Jelikož má krásné balení, objednala jsem nyní i jako dárek sestřence.

  3. CZ / Kč

    koluchova.lucie (verified owner)

    Verified review

    Koupila jsem tuto vodu kvůli tomu, že má ulevovat očnímu okolí…A světě div se, u mě to opravdu funguje. Vodu si vždy před spaním nastřikám na kosmetický tamponek, nechám pár minut působit a otoky a únava očí se postupně vytrácí. Jsem s vodou opravdu spokojená a už se moc těším na jasmínovou, kterou si v brzké době pořídím:-). L.

  4. CZ / Kč

    Jitka (verified owner)

    Verified review

    Můj nezbytný každovečerní pomocník pro vaky pod očima, nastříkám vychlazenou chrpu na odl.tampónek a nechám působit cca 10 minut, zázraky se dějí.Doporučuji.

    • CZ / Kč

      Veronika Koleva

      Verified review

      Děkujeme za spokojenost a další tipy na využití.

  5. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Po damascene druhy najoblubenejsi hy….mam ho v ladnicke a hostom pri muzikoterapii ponuknem vzdy obklady na oci..Taktiez pri masazi su oblady fajn…Vacsina nasich klientov kuka cely den na monitor ocenili vynimocnost hy chrpa..Za mna Top….

    • CZ / Kč

      Veronika Koleva

      Verified review

      Děkujeme za cennou zpětnou vazbu z praxe.

  6. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Skvělá úleva pro mé nateklé vaky pod očima! Nechávám si ji vychladit v lednici.

  7. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    U nás doma úplná nezbytnost, přítel pracuje celý den na počítači, oba denně hodně najezdíme autem (a noční řízení co si budeme…) – očka bolí. Chrpa je takový náš malý modrý zázrak, opravdu pomáhá proti únavě a je skvělou prevencí, aby oči nebolely.

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