Flower water Bouquet of roses in a mist sprayer


100% flower water Bouquet of Roses is an unique rose water that is created by distilling four types of aromatic roses: damask, centifolia, white and violet perfume roses. This composition gives it a fresh distinctly sweet rose scent. Cares, refreshes and hydrates all skin types. Do you know that rose water has been considered no. 1 beautifying agent for centuries, because it pampers the skin with the first wrinkles and prevents the appearance of others. If you love rose waters, this is a rare piece for your collection! It is always ready for your perfect mist in a luxurious refillable atomizer.

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Flower water Bouquet of roses in a mist sprayer

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100% flower water Bouquet of roses (limited type of rose water)

Limited and unique flower water from the distillation of the flowers of four types of aromatic roses at the same time – damask, centifolia, white and violet perfume roses. If you love rose waters, this is a rare piece for your collection!

Composition (INCI): 100% Rosa Damascena Flower Water

Method of production: steam distillation of the flowers of four types of aromatic roses: damask, centifolia, white and violet perfume roses

Country of origin: Bulgaria

100% flower water Bouquet of Roses is an unique rose water that is created by distilling four types of aromatic roses: damask, centifolia, white and violet perfume roses. This composition gives it a fresh distinctly sweet rose scent. Cares, refreshes and hydrates all skin types. Do you know that rose water has been considered no. 1 beautifying agent for centuries, because it pampers the skin with the first wrinkles and prevents the appearance of others. If you love rose waters, this is a rare piece for your collection! It is always ready for your perfect mist in a luxurious refillable atomizer.

What skin type – for all skin types

How it helpsRefreshes, cools, nourishes and hydrates your skin. Soothes and strengthens tired, sensitive and dry skin. Delicate skin with first wrinkles and mature skin. It ranks among the strongest natural anti-aging agents. It also has natural anti-inflammatory effects and is therefore suitable for irritated and sensitive skin. Effectively refreshes and cools during the day.

Do you know that rose water fixes make-up well? And so even a dose of refreshment during the lunch break will leave the perfect make-up intact.

How to use – Spray a sufficient amount on a cotton pad and clean the skin. Or apply directly to the face so-called. mist. Don’t be afraid to mist your face with a good dose of flower water, your skin will appreciate it. It will be beautifully hydrated and ready for further caring steps, e.g. application of rosehip oil or botanical skin serum Use to refresh during the day and to improve mood. You can add it to face masks.

Bath – If you are tired, add 2-3 spoons to the bath and relax surrounded by the intoxicating aroma.

Hair – Hydrates hair, which helps prevent breakage. It is also effective when electrifying hair or as a morning refresher during your styling. We recommend spraying into the lengths of the hair or applying as a hair tonic after washing from the scalp to the ends.

Aroma – a distinctly sweet unique rose aroma that can be compared to an explosion of scents of the sweetest rose flowers.

View all rose flower waters here .

Aromatherapy – Rose opens the heart . It supports our inner balance and helps us make decisions and finish what we start. It creates a sense of security. Harmonizes the mind. Releases tension.

Aroma TIP 1 : Spray it in the room where the conflict is taking place, emotions will quickly calm down!

Aroma TIP 2 : When feeling frustrated and irritated, spray on your face and take several deep breaths.

Aroma TIP 3 : Always take it on your travels as a universal first aid: it cools the skin, calms the psyche and has natural anti-inflammatory effects.

Aroma TIP 4 : Wet the makeup remover pads thoroughly with rose water and place them on tired closed eyes. Leave on for approx. 5 min.

Interesting facts

This limited floral water is created by distilling four types of aromatic roses: damask rose, centifolia rose, white rose and violet perfume. Due to the quality of the contained ethereal components, the tiny and intoxicatingly fragrant flowers of the Damask rose are queens among all types of so-called oil roses. That is, roses, from which rose water and rare rose oil are produced. The centifolia rose, as its name suggests, is characterized by a rich and heavy flower with 80-100 petals, with a sweet, delicate fragrance. The white rose is a relatively new species of rose from which rose water and rose oil are produced. Due to its very low yield, its precious oil is one of the rarest and most expensive. Violet perfume rose was bred in 1995. It is characterized by huge flowers with a rich fragrance. In worldwide rose competitions, it is repeatedly valued for its aromatic qualities. It derives its name from the combination of the color of the flowers from light purple to pink and the unique aroma.

Our 100% flower waters are preservative-free, suitable for vegans and have not been tested on animals. It is a 100% pure natural product.

Black opaque glass and the highest quality sprayer. Put in a box of recycled paper. This packaging is refillable. You can buy our flower water in a larger, economical package and use the sprayer repeatedly.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Variant: No selection

100 ml

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