Organic Flower Water White Rose


100% ORGANIC Flower Water White rose, or rose hydrosol, is the rarest of all roses. It energizes, tones, cools and nourishes all skin types. It restores the skin’s Ph and balances sebum production. It also hydrates the hair. Its refreshing, delicately sweet mood-enhancing aroma is literally a pulsating positive energy. Also suitable for little princesses as the first completely natural perfume. Food Grade quality – also suitable for preparing delicious food and drinks, in hot and cold kitchens.

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Organic Flower Water White Rose

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100% Organic Flower Water White Rose or rose hydrosol

Do you know that the White Rose is the most precious of all roses and that its refreshing, delicately sweet aroma literally lifts the mood? It charms everyone with combination to oily skin and enlarged pores.

Skin types – Suitable for all skin types , ideal for mixed and oily skin

How it helpsEnergizes, tones, cools and nourishes all skin types. It restores balance to both dry and oily skin. It is renewing its Ph. It balances the production of sebum and slightly tightens the pores , which is why it is ideal for mixed and oily skin. It has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to soothe irritated teenage skin.

Hair – Moisturizes the hair, thus helping against breakage. We recommend spraying into the lengths of the hair or applying as a hair tonic after washing from the scalp to the ends.

Bath – When mentally stressed, add 2-3 spoons to your evening bath and relax surrounded by the intoxicating aroma.

Aroma – In its fragrance you will find seemingly similar components to its cousin Damascena, but at the same time it is distinguished by its refinement. It is very charismatic. It gives the impression of a “sophisticated lady” who knows she is unique. It will definitely caress you with its pleasant and delicate sweetness . It is a pulsating positive energy.

Aromatherapy – The white rose has a great gift to lift a good mood. It strengthens mental well-being. It energizes. It tones the body and soul. It supports our inner balance and harmonizes the soul.

Aroma TIP 1 : When your energy drops during the working day, spray this floral water towards your face at a distance of approx. 15 cm. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Aroma TIP 2 : If the fragrance of Damask rose is too strong for you, white rose is here with its delicacy for your needs.

Aroma TIP 3 : Wet the cotton pads thoroughly with this rose water and place them on tired closed eyes . Leave on for approx. 5 min.

Aroma TIP 4 : Give little princesses their first safe perfume . The White Rose flower water is completely free of preservatives and unnecessary chemicals, and its gentle sweetness will please every little girl and her mother.

Also suitable for diffusers as the finest aromatherapy for the youngest children.

Food preparationFood Grade quality , i.e. is suitable in cold and hot kitchen. Preparation of drinks, creams and desserts. You can read the recipe for quick pancakes with rose water on our blog

Interesting facts

The white rose is a rare variety of oil roses (that is, roses from which rose oil is made.), which is grown in the Rose Valley , or Valley of the Thracian Kings, registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its advantage is higher resistance to The disadvantage is that it has a very low yield. This means that even more fresh flowers are needed to produce 1 kg of precious oil than for damascene. If for a Damask rose we need 3,500-4,000 kg of flowers for 1 kg of precious oil, for a white rose the amount is almost twice as much, 6,000-7,000 kg of flowers.

Method of production

Our flower water White Rose is traditionally produced by steam distillation in a specialized distillery for organic rose production. A large number of human hands and loving care are needed before it can be reached. Yes, the flowers are collected by hand after sunrise, when they are still sprinkled with morning dew and their petals contain the highest amount of essential oils (0.02-0.04%, exceptionally up to 0.09%).

The flowers are transported directly from the fields in 10 kg bags and travel immediately to huge distillation vessels, where they are filled with water and go through the first steam distillation. Because the rose oil cannot be sufficiently separated, the first distillate travels to other vessels, in which it is distilled a second time. There it gets more complicated. By the end of the same working day, everything is done. The second distillate, unique pure rose water fills the containers and precious rose oil, which is lighter than the water collected on its surface. Try also the rare organic rose oil White rose, which is registered as a protected geographical indication of the EU.

Our 100% flower waters are preservative-free, suitable for vegans and have not been tested on animals. It is a 100% pure natural product.

Ingredients (INCI): 100% Rosa Alba Flower water

Ref. no. CPNP: 3458886

CAS: 93334-48-6

EINECS: 297-122-1

Ph 4.8

Essential oil content 0.076%

Naturally occurring ethyl alcohol content 1.21% (ethyl alcohol is a naturally occurring component in Rose Flower Water due to the steam distillation process)

We pack in an innovative bag-in-box . Advantages of the package: storage without access to air and light, preservation of the qualities of this flower water to the last drop, minimization of the carbon footprint, saves nature

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Variant: No selection

1 l, 3 l

7 reviews for Organic Flower Water White Rose

  1. SK / €


    Verified review

    Používam niekoľkokrát denne! Milujem! Príjemná osviežujúca kvetová voda s jemnou vôňou, nevtieravá. Super rozprašovač. Pleť navhlčí, hydratuje a pripraví na nanesenie krému/oleja, no taktiež osvieži kedykoľvek počas dňa keď mám pocit suchej pleti.

  2. CZ / Kč

    Dash Voudouragkaki (verified owner)

    Verified review

    Je to nádherná vůně. Plná, květinová, ale zároveň jemná. Používám ji osobně na pleť, na vlasy, tanci i k relaxaci. A oceňuji to praktické a výhodné 1l balení.

  3. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Miluji sladší vůně a tato růže mne oslovila! Pleť, vlasy a chystám se i na smoothie.

  4. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Perfektní, ideální na léto. Bezva nápad s velkým balením! Zase nakoupím.

  5. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Krásná vůně. Koupila jsem hydrolát jak z damašské růže, tak i z bílé růže a teď nevím, kterou mám používat dřív. Obě jsou úžasné.

  6. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Jsem naprosto unešena kvalitou. Určitě se vyplatí investovat.

  7. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Dárek pro maminku – je velmi spokojená

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