100% Organic Flower Water Damask Rose or rose water, rose hydrosol
Did you know that the aroma of rose water literally balances emotions and calms irritability and irritability? ! In addition, its refreshing, cooling and toning power will be appreciated by every skin, from tired to sensitive to dry to mature. For centuries, it has been considered the no. 1 beautifying agent because it pampers the skin with the first wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.
Skin types – Suitable for all skin types. It is especially suitable for drier, more sensitive and mature skin.
How it helps – Refreshes, cools, nourishes and hydrates your skin. Soothes and strengthens tired, sensitive and dry skin. Delicate skin with first wrinkles and mature skin. It ranks among the strongest natural anti-aging agents . It also has natural anti-inflammatory effects and is therefore suitable for the irritated diaper area of babies, hives and itching. Effectively refreshes and cools during the day .
Did you know that rose water fixes make-up well? And so even a dose of refreshment during the lunch break will leave the perfect make-up intact.
Bath – when tired, add 2-3 tablespoons to the bath and relax surrounded by an intoxicating scent.
Have you already heard about “Queen Berenike’s rose bath” ? Read how to do it on our blog .
Hair – Hydrates hair, which helps prevent breakage. It is also effective when electrifying hair or as a morning refresher during your styling. We recommend spraying into the lengths of the hair or applying in the form of non-washable rinses at the last stage of washing. You will be rewarded with shiny and scented hair.
Aroma – An intoxicating fresh scent with earthy notes and a sweet finish. Unique and rich.
Aromatherapy – Rose opens the heart . It supports our inner balance and helps us make decisions and finish what we start. It creates a sense of security. Harmonizes the mind. Releases tension.
Aroma TIP 1 : Spray it in the room where the conflict is taking place, emotions will quickly calm down!
Aroma TIP 2 : When feeling frustrated and irritated, spray on your face and take several deep breaths.
Aroma TIP 3 : In case of discomfort in the female parts, rinse this area with rose water.
Aroma TIP 4 : Always take it on trips as a universal first aid : it cools the skin, calms the psyche and has natural anti-inflammatory effects.
Aroma TIP 5 : Give rose water to an expectant mother. Rose water is suitable during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. It helps establish a deeper relationship between mother and baby. During childbirth, it gives confidence, takes care of tired skin in the maternity ward and postpartum, harmonizes the soul and soothes the irritated diaper area.
Aroma TIP 6 : Wet the cotton pads thoroughly with rose water and place them on tired closed eyes . Leave on for approx. 5 min.
Also suitable for diffusers as the finest aromatherapy for the youngest children.
Food preparation – Food Grade quality , i.e. is suitable in cold and hot kitchen. Preparation of drinks, cream and desserts, such as refreshing sorbets and ice creams. You can read the recipe for quick fritters with rose water or Pink lassi on our blog.
Interesting facts
The rose is the most mentioned flower in the history of literature. She smelled like the Greek goddess Aphrodite, to whom she was also dedicated. The beauty secret of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra was said to be a daily bath in rose water. The rose is also associated with the ancient Thracian queen Berenice, who resided in the ancient city, the remains of which were found under the surface of the water reservoir, very close to today’s center of the Rose Valley. Damask rose has been cultivated in this place for 2500 years.
The famous Renaissance painter Michelangelo used to add rose water to his tea, supposedly to calm his temper. In 18. and the 19th century, rose water was commonly used in housewives’ kitchens.
The scent of the damask rose flower water is very specific, the official documentation always states “a typical scent of damask rose flower water”. So what is it like? It has an aroma that is difficult to describe and very surprising. It is characterized by a certain amount of freshness and earthiness, followed by sweetness
Method of production
Our flower water is traditionally produced by steam distillation in a specialized distillery for organic rose production. A large number of human hands and loving care are needed before it can be reached. Yes, the flowers are picked by hand after sunrise, when they are still sprinkled with morning dew and their petals contain the highest amount of essential oils (0.02-0.04%, exceptionally up to 0.09%).
The flowers are transported directly from the fields in 10 kg bags and travel immediately to huge distillation vessels, where they are filled with water and go through the first steam distillation. Because the rose oil cannot be sufficiently separated, the first distillate travels to other vessels, in which it is distilled a second time. There it gets more complicated. By the end of the same working day, everything is done. The second distillate, unique pure rose water fills the containers and precious rose oil, which is lighter than the water collected on its surface. Also try 100% pure Damask rose oil , which is registered as a protected geographical indication of the EU.
Exclusive series – the highest quality
Ingredients (INCI): 100% Rosa Damascena Flower water.
Ref. no. CPNP: 3458860
CAS: 90106-38-0
EINECS: 290-260-3
Our 100% flower waters are preservative-free, suitable for vegans and have not been tested on animals. It is a 100% pure natural product.
Ph 5.0
Essential oil content 0.089%
Naturally occurring ethyl alcohol content 1.21% (ethyl alcohol is a naturally occurring component in Rose Flower Water due to the steam distillation process)
We pack in an innovative bag-in-box . Advantages of the package: storage without access to air and light, preservation of the qualities of this flower water to the last drop, minimization of the carbon footprint, saves nature
Anet (verified owner) –
Verified reviewZ květových vod co jsem vyzkoušela je ta od SoZoLe nejlepší :) krásná omamná vůně, praktický flakónek s rozprašovačem, který vytváří svěží mlhu a také praktické ekologické balení v bagu je super. Tak skvělá růžová voda, že i partner mi ji krade :)
weasel (verified owner) –
Verified reviewZa mě je to TOP 👌 🌸 mezi květovými vodami. Používám pod krémy bez vodní složky a pod pleťové oleje, na vlasy, i jen tak pro lepší chvilku během dne jako mlhu na obličej.
Vendy (verified owner) –
Verified reviewHydrolát voněl i ze zavřené krabice. Vůně luxusně omamná mám smícháno s hydrolatem s gerania na ošetření pleti před nanesením krému. Dávám si i do vody na pití a luxusní je v zeleném čaji. 😍
Veronika Koleva (verified owner) –
Verified reviewDěkujeme za spokojenost a další tipy na využití!
Pavlína Hutečková (verified owner) –
Verified reviewPožívám ji už téměř rok a jsem s ní velmi spokojená. Pomáhá mi na unavené oči. Navíc krásně voní. Pleť hydratuji hodně a je to znát.
Veronika Koleva (verified owner) –
Verified reviewDěkujeme za spokojenost!
Veronika (verified owner) –
Jsem milovnice růží a produktů z nich, voda z damašské růže mě doslova uchvátila 🙏🥰🌹! Nejradši bych se v ní celý den koupala, nemůžu se jí nabažit, je úžasná 💯. Značka Sozole Rose opět nezklamala – je to sázka na jistotu, vřele doporučuji ♥️!
Veronika Koleva –
Verified reviewDěkujeme za radost z našich produktů! Velmi si Vaši zpětné vazby vážíme.
Iva –
Verified reviewDamašská růže je pro mne synonymem té nejomamnější vůně co může být a jsem na ní naprosto závislá. Musím uznat, že tato voda od spol. Sozole Rose, mne naprosto ohromila. Nejen, že krásně voní, ale je v Bio kvalitě a hlavně pro mne naprostý bonus, protože je vhodná k potravinářským účelům a využívám ji k přípravě jedinečných dezertů. TOP výrobek, komplimenty. Velké díky.
Katka (verified owner) –
Verified reviewÚžasná voda a tá chuť a vôňa! Milujem ruže a vďaka tehjto ružovej vode sa môžem celá zabaliť do ich vône. Perfekt e sedí na moju pleť, používam aj na vlasy po umytí alebo len prestriekam v lete, počas dňa. Tiež sme si obľúbili nápoje s pridaním ružovej vody.
Lubica (verified owner) –
Verified reviewSom vďačná za to, že som objavila túto značku, teda nejako to prišlo ku mne samé. Hneď som vedela, že táto kráska bude raz aj moja🙂. Vôňa je naozaj autentická, ružová a krásna. Splnila moje očakávania, ďakujem, užívam si ju na celom tele, vlasoch a aj len tak pre vôňu 🌹❤️
Nika –
Verified reviewTo aroma mne dostalo! Nečekala jsem takovou úžasnou explozi! Miluji ji. Mé citlivé pleti sedí. Používám i do koupele pro sebe i dceru.
hana.shehzad –
Verified reviewZ vůně jsem nadšená. Krásně hydratuje pleť a vyrovnává psychiku.
Lucie –
Verified reviewUž více jak týden používám květovou vodu Damašská růže a musím uznat, že překonala mé očekávání.
Na unavenou pleť padne jak ušitá a dokonale si poradí i s mou smíšenou pletí. Má pokožka po týdnu používání nevykazuje žádný nedostatek navíc.
Děkuji mnohokrát
Adriana –
Verified reviewJsem velmi spokojená s kvalitou. Stejně tak s dodáním a komunikací.
Dáša –
Verified reviewNádherná vůně čisté přírody. Vyzkoušela jsem během let mnoho růžových vod, ale tato je jedinečná.