BIO cold-pressed Pomegranate oil


100% BIO virgin oil from pomegranate seeds grown in Halkidiki, Greece, strengthens the skin, slows down premature aging of the skin, increases the elasticity of mature, dry and damaged skin from the sun or extreme weather. It supports its regeneration and collagen production. It is rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. It is also suitable for eczematous skin, with scars or rosacea or psoriasis.

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BIO cold-pressed Pomegranate oil

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100% BIO virgin cold-pressed Pomegranate oil

Composition (INCI): 100% Punica Granatum Seed Oil

CAS: 84961-57-9

Method of production: cold pressing, always in small volumes, which guarantees freshness.

Country of origin: Greece

100% BIO virgin oil from pomegranate seeds grown in Halkidiki, Greece, strengthens the skin, slows down premature aging of the skin, increases the elasticity of mature, dry and damaged skin from the sun or extreme weather. It supports its regeneration and collagen production. It is rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. It is also suitable for eczematous skin, with scars or rosacea or psoriasis.

It is valued especially for the content of the so-called of accompanying substances that function as “scavengers” of free radicals (Free radicals cause oxidative stress in the skin and its faster damage and aging.) Therefore, it is recommended to include it also as part of morning skin care.

You will appreciate its nourishing ability in hair care. For hair shine, use in hair masks and wraps or apply a few drops to the ends of the hair during final styling.

Use : Clean the face with 100% flower water, leave it slightly damp. Using a glass pipette, put 1-2 drops on your fingertips and apply to your face, body or hair ends in a circular movements.

Aroma : delicate sweet aroma with a subtle hint of bitterness of pomegranate seeds in the finish

The pomegranate is widely mentioned in Greek mythology, it was believed to come from the blood of the mythical handsome Adonis, and thanks to the wife of the underworld god Hades, Persephone, it was also associated with this second realm. In fables, it is remembered that whenever she sat on the throne she consumed this fruit. To this day, the pomegranate plays an important role in the life of the Greeks. As a symbol of abundance, fertility and happiness, it is traditionally worn as a gift at the approval of apartments or houses. When commemorating their dead, the Greeks carry a typical dish called “kollyva”, consisting of boiled wheat with sugar and garnished with pomegranate seeds.

100% pure natural products, coming from a small family factory. These products are part of the “Small Farmers” line – one grower – one field – one production. We support small family business, hard work of honest people.

For your convenience, we have chosen black glass vials with a glass pipette (dosing is very easy). Put in a box of recycled paper.

Store in a cool, dark place and protect from direct sunlight.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Variant: No selection


2 reviews for BIO cold-pressed Pomegranate oil

  1. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Tento olejíček je opravdu výborný. Mám 40+ velmi suchou pleť s tendencí ke ztrátám hydratace. Je navíc velmi citlivá a reaktivní. Granátové jablko si nemohu vynachválit, má báječnou vazkou voskovitou konzistenci (připomíná mi hutnost ricinového oleje) a pleť už týden vypadá jako vyžehlená. Moc ráda jej budu doporučovat i ve svém pleťovém poradenství klientkám se suchou, zralou pleti, s ekzémem a lupénkou. Mám pocit druhé kůže a ochranného štítu, který zmizíkuje pupínky, póry i suchá místa. Používám v létě v kombinaci s pleťovým hyaluronovým sérem na vodní bázi a bohatě to stačí na den i na noc. V zimě budu obohacovat tímto olejíčkem krémy, ale i DIY pleťové masky. Moc se Vám tento olej povedl.

  2. CZ / Kč


    Verified review

    Jeden z mých nových oblíbenců. Sladká jemná vůně a příjemná textura pro mou pleť 45+

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