Juniper have been attributed magical effects in many cultures in the past. It has been revered as a tree with powerful protective powers, as a guardian of the gateway to other worlds, and as the abode of supernatural creatures and forces. O bittersweet woody notes of juniper oil, which dissolves and cleanses negative influences and […]
Aromatherapy flower
Ginger and cloves – a warming duo
Do you need to warm up your body and stimulate your soul? The aromatic duo of Ginger and Clove essential oils is exactly what you need, and aromatherapist and phytotherapist Aneta Jirchářová will tell you about them. Warming up the body and soul When cloves and ginger meet, we can expect great things. Because these […]
Wormwood magic herb
Wormwood is a magical herb that has been associated with protection against all evil and promoting concentration since ancient times. Aromatherapist and phytotherapist Aneta Jirchářová will tell you about one of the representatives of the rich Artemisia family, not accidentally associated with the ancient Greek goddess Artemis. Abundance of wormwood I thought I knew Wormwood […]
Beauty of Wild carrot
The wild carrot, Daucus carota, the predecessor of today’s carrot, is used to produce aromatic essential oil, which will be discussed by aromatherapist and phytotherapist Aneta Jirchářová. Essential oil from seeds The wild carrot looks like a gentle beauty , but it is actually a strong personality. The essential oil with a strong earthy scent, […]